Belgian Beard Balm - U-Reckon

Belgian Beard Balm

Regular price R 170.00 Save 0%

    The nourishing agent for growing and older Machine, With all the stabilizing agents
    as with the oil and also providing all the "flexibility" as a wax.!!
    Balm gives consistent direction for your hair follicles.
    Balm makes the legend look fuller with a bit lesser of a shine, not to say you can't use it in a younger beard.
    Combine with the "Belgian Beard conditioner" for more effective growth.

    A must for all Bearing Alphas and yes we recommend combining the oil and balm for maximum.

    Belgian Beard Balm will assist with the following:
    • Nourishing of the follicles, hair and skin.
    • Itchiness of the skin
    • Softness of the beard
    • Shine of the beard
    • Moisturizing the beard
    • Boost & feeds the hair follicles "just to mention a few"